Creating and Editing Leads

Step 1

Click the pin icon in the lower right hand corner.

Step 2

Click the appropriate Lead Status associated with the interaction. The menu bar will highlight the Lead Status with a circle around the selected status. Click the location you want to drop the pin.

Step 3

Now you can select the pencil icon and add any information that you will need for the lead.

Step 4

When you add information into the system, it will darken the widgets at the top of the screen. If you need to call or text this lead, you can do so once you have entered the information. You can add notes as well. Just click on the notes section and the notes. Any information you enter addinto the lead information page will save automatically.

Filters & Routing

Step 1

To access your filters, click on “SalesHub” at the bottom of the screen. Then click on the funnel icon in the upper left-hand corner.for the lead.

Step 2

Click on the word “Leads” to bring down the drop-down menu.

Step 3

You have the ability to filter by “Date Created”, “Last Updated”, and “Appointment Date”. You also have the ability to set the date ranges “From Date” & “To Date” manually.

Step 4

To create an effective route you will first need to adjust your filters to pull up the leads that you want to add to your route. Now that you have adjusted your lead filters, use the “Lasso” tool to select the leads that you want to route. Simply click on the “Lasso” tool (the Finger icon with the line).

Step 5

Now draw a circle around the leads. After you circle the leads, you will have the ability to create a route. Click on “Route” and then click on “CreateRoute”.

Step 6

Here you will have the ability to choose a “Starting Address” and an “Ending Address”. You can enter the address information manually or you can click on the “Crosshair” icon to the right of the screen to enter your current location

Step 7

You want to make sure that you have all of the leads selected that you need in the route. For any additional leads click on the word “Add Leads” and find any of the lead statuses that you need in the filter menu.

Step 8

You also have the ability to turn on “Optimization Options”; these options will change the route based on which toggles you turn on. Once you have completed the route, you click on “Route It”. You will then have a success banner populate in the middle of the screen. Now you can click on the “Treasure Map” icon in the top right-hand corner to take us to the map.

Weather Map Overlays & Storm Finder

Step 1

Navigate to the SalesHub section within the Mobile App and
Tap on the Weather Icon on the right hand side of the screen

Step 2

From there, you may choose what type of map overlay you want to view. Hail Size, Hail Probability, Wind Gust or Hurricane.

Step 3

Once your desired overlay has been selected, you will be able to select a specific date you want to see that weather overlay for

Step 4

To use Storm Finder, zoom in to the area where you wish to see a storm history
The center of your screen will be used as the waypoint
Select the Weather Icon, then click the lightning bolt symbol

Step 5

Now that Storm Finder is active, use the filters drop down to adjust the storm events that you are viewingd on which toggles you turn on. Once you have completed the route, you click on “Route It”. You will then have a success banner populate in the middle of the screen. Now you can click on the “Treasure Map” icon in the top right-hand corner to take us to the map.

Step 6

Time Range: (Date) – (Date), Radius 1 – 100 Miles, Hail Probability 0 – 100%, Hail Size 0 – 6″, Wind Gust 0 – 200MPH
You also have a toggle switch you can use to turn off certain Weather Events 

Step 7

Lastly, select a weather event from the filtered list by clicking the date to see the overlay displayed on the map

Submitting Weather Report Request

Step 1

Reports will be generated when a form is submitted from a lead. Generally, the report should be available within 2 minutes, but size of report and syncing time may vary. 
Drop a lead on the map and fill in address details

Step 2

Validate Address (Required) and Name (Optional) Information Navigate to forms at top of screen

Step 3

Submit the form. Address Information should populate from the Lead

Step 4

Navigate to “Files” and download the PDF attached

Note: Files to attach to lead within 2 minutes of generation but depending on data size and sync times this response may vary

Step 5

Your report should be generated and resemble the following form: he overlay displayed on the map

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