Weather Restoration – Hail Damage and the Effects on Commercial Roofs

Hail presents a genuine threat to all commercial roofs, regardless of the material used to construct them. It differs from tiny ice pellets, which appear in sleet conditions. Hailstones accompany thunderstorms where updrafts form them and can reach sizes of over four inches in diameter. The damage inflicted on a commercial roof due to hail will vary based on several factors, including the hailstone’s size and speed. Smaller pieces measuring less than an inch can reach a speed of 25 MPH, while larger hailstones over two inches in diameter will clock over 70 MPH from supercells.

Understanding the Many Varieties of Hail Damage

Thinking of any ball of ice impacting your commercial roof is upsetting. But when you visualize hailstones that range from the size of a marble to that of a golf ball or baseball, you understand that these projectiles can cause severe damage to any surface and are life-threatening to humans and animals. The most common forms of hail damage your commercial roof could suffer include:


While softer membrane roofing materials like TPO or EPDM offer some flexibility, they are still prone to puncture damage from larger pieces of hail that fall at a high rate of speed. Even a tiny hole or puncture in the surface allows water to enter the roof and damage the components and structure the roof was installed to protect.


Asphalt shingles are a widespread roofing material often chosen for its durability. However, sharp hailstones can cause shingles to crack or split. While this issue is more common for older shingles, large hail can crack newer ones due to its impact velocity. The cracks provide a path for water to enter the roof and increase the speed of deterioration of the roofing materials and support structure of the roof.


Clay and slate tile roofs offer exceptional protection from rain and wind due to their rigidity. However, they are likely to crack or shatter when struck by large pieces of ice the size of a golf ball or greater. Once tiles are broken or missing, water easily penetrates the roof surface and damages the structure below it.

Granule Loss

Asphalt shingles use hard granules to protect their surface from damaging UV rays and harsh weather. Hailstones dislodge this protective layer and compromise the integrity of the shingles and the entire roof.


Metal roofs are prone to suffering dents from hail, with the damage or size of the dent increasing as the hailstones increase in size and velocity. Not only are the dents visually unappealing, but they also damage the UV protection and other coatings applied to increase the longevity of the metal surface and prevent corrosion. In the worst cases, the dents are significant enough to weaken or pierce the metal panel and create leaks that allow water to degrade the integrity of the roof quickly.

Spotting Hail Damage

When you see hail on the ground, hear it impacting the roof or ground, or receive a report of hail in the area of your commercial property, the wise choice is to make a call to Weather Restoration Group for a roof inspection for hail damage. It is never recommended to climb onto the roof to look for damage. The potential risk to your safety is immense, and unless you are a trained roofing professional, you could easily miss indications of damage that need immediate attention.

If you can view the roof from inside another structure or through windows in the facility, you can look for punctures, dents, cracks, missing tiles, or other harm to the roof’s surface. You can also look for seams, flashing, or other roof system components to let your Weather Restoration Group team member know of visible damage that poses an imminent threat to the integrity of the roof and your commercial property.

Other indications of more severe roof damage include pieces of roof tile or shingle on the ground near the building, sections of the roof that you can see from the ground which are missing shingles or tiles, or shingle granules on the ground near the roof’s drip line. All these are strong indications that you need to contact the roofing experts at Weather Restoration Group for a roof inspection and evaluation of the roof’s condition and a price estimate for any necessary repairs.

Let's Schedule Your
Commercial Roof Inspection!

Severe weather, debris accumulation, vegetation growth and UV exposure can take their toll on commercial roofs. Unfortunately, you may not identify any damage until a professional inspection is completed. By taking proactive measures to keep up with regular maintenance and repairs of your roof system – you can extend its life cycle substantially. Want to get started? Schedule a detailed commercial roof inspection to begin safeguarding your investment!
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